Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Truly Happy

Its been almost 2 months since ive posted but its a full two months. I have been getting more comfortable at work and im actually starting to like it there. I work with a great group of people who are hard working quirky people. I didnt think I would fit in at first but im starting to see now that they are just as quirky as they are. The position I took when I moved down here was that of an "ATL" or Assistant Team Leader in the Bakery. This was a big promotion for me which came with big responsiblities. I have 27 people under me and keeping them all happy is deffinitly a challenge. Although everyday is challenging in its own way, im starting to find my way and im learning alot of about managing and leadership. Im learning how to deal with team members who fight and lie, steal and manipulate their way to getting exactly what they want. There is never a dull moment in a Whole Foods Market bakery.
Since moving back to Ct ive never been happier. I have a huge apartment which im getting to decorate slowly, I see family once a week and ive been hanging out with my good friends from high school again.
This weekend I am making the a baby shower cake for my good friend, Bel. She is super excited about being pregnnant and she is having a boy. She got marreid 3 weeks before Dan and I did last fall and I couldnt be happier for her. Although I am nervous about this cake (I dont want to dissappoint) Im sure I will do a good job on it. Picture will follow soon after.
I love being near family. When we lived in Boston we had to plan trips to see family. This would entail taking time off of work (at least 2 or 3 days) and then packing and traveling the 150 miles to Ct. We would leave the kitty cats for a few days and get a friend to feed them. I always felt guilty about leaving them for so long. Now we can go to someones house for the afternoon or dinner or have them over for coffee or something like that. Last week Dans sister, Crystal (Open Door #4) and her boyfriend, Anthony came over for dinner. We had such a good time laughing and talking that they stayed till almost midnight. Then Dan and I went over to his grandmothers house for dinner on Sunday for her birthday. My mother and I went to lunch last weekend and went thrift shopping up the coast. I love being close to these people. I have never been happier than I am living here. I am so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends around me, I dont think that my life could get any better than this. <3