Monday, January 24, 2011

Bittersweet Chocolate

SO..this is my first time blogging. I dont know if anyone will read it but in my opinion life is too short not to say whats on my mind and I have alot going through this thick head. I am rough around the edges, I do not let people walk all over me and you either love me or hate me. I am outspoken and not afraid to tell someone what I think, even if its not what they want to hear.
I hate moving. Im in the process of moving because I got a promotion at work and its in a different state. Its bittersweet. Its a good thing because I like change, and I feel that putting yourself in an uncomfortable position forces you to learn and grow. Also, my husband, Dan, bitches that I never take any chances. So I saw a postion posted on my comapnys website and decided to apply. I never thought I would get the position but I did. Not because im not qualified or deserving but because they dont know me in that part of the company. But sure as hell I got the job and so we move next week. Even if it is for a good reason, I hate moving. I have too much shit and have decided that I need to simplify things. I have donated alot of my "shit" and I hope that someone else will find a treasure in it as I once did.

Once the move is complete I will be living in a town that I have never lived in before. I hope that I can explore new bakeries and see new flavor combonations that I havnt seen before. I am a professional baker and I am always looking for new recipies to try out and learn from. I will be posting my findings and thoughts on everything from baking to my cats and everything in between that I want people to know. I am an aquired taste like bittersweet chocolate and im not afraid of who I am or what im thinking.

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