Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fate or Free Will?

The big move from Boston to Ct is less than 1 week away. We are packing up the apt and moving down there for a few reasons. 1. To be closer to our families. We are both family people and really miss having the luxury of going over there for dinner on a week night or meeting someone for coffee. 2. Make more moolah. Dan and I are both pastry chefs and people of our experience are a dime a dozen so we dont get paid as well. The need isnt as great in Ct for sweet professional but we get paid more-like 40% more. We still dont make a great living but its a work in progress. The cost of living is about the same but you get more for your money. 3. Its time for a change. The fast paced life of Boston is starting to wear on us. We turn into monster Massholes when we get behind the wheel and honk and scowl at everyone in our way. We are aging more quickly with this kind of stress on us, both finanacially and mentally. We do not have children but I do not want to raise them in this city. We used to gauge our sucess on how far away we got from our hometown of New Haven, but now we have grown out of that school of thought and turned it to caring less about how others view our sucess. It was always a competition to be the first to move out and get a good job and who has the better degree or to get married. But now I see that if I just live my life and enjoy the people around me I will be viewed as sucessful and people will look up to me. I have my "shit" together in the words of one of my co-workers. This move is going to be a big adjustment for us even though we are optomistic about it. All I can do is have faith that everything will work out for a reason.
Is this our fate or our free will? Are we making this happen or was it suppose to happen all along? Did we have to go through the storm to enjoy the sunshine or has the storm just begun?
Soon my posts will be less intense and more about the shit I see and my point of view on it. Like my kitty cats and the crazy ass shit they do.

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