Thursday, January 27, 2011


I thank God for giving me a breed of people that I call "Walking Contridictions".
I have a co-worker whos name is Lucy . She is approx. 30 years old and has 3 children with her "husband". They have been together for at least 12 years and own a home in a nice neighborhood. She was unhappy with her name because she is one of 10 women in her family to be named Lucy. She decided to changer her name to Mary. She thought that it was a beautiful name and it would bring her a new relgious identity, since she is very active in her church. So she legally changed her name to Mary and insisted that people start calling her that.
Now I have no problem with someone who wants to change their name because it makes them sleep better at night. I have a problem with people who claim to be so "holy" that they change their name to a biblical name and have three children out of wed-lock. Girl screaming "Oh God" and "Jesus Christ" while youre getting your freak on doesnt count as praying. Mary was a virgin and clearly youre not.
Youre not fooling anyone, hopefully not even yourself.

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