Friday, May 20, 2011

The Little Basil that Could

Finally the rain has gone away! It rained every day this week here in Southern CT and it has kept me from tranplanting my plants and starting some others. Today the sun was out partially so I took advantage and ducked out of work early to get home. I dragged my husband to the local Home Depot and Walmart to get a few supplies. This included the soil and orange juice to mix some sangria with (you cant garden without a drink in your hand, its just not polite). So I took my overgrown starter cups and put them into Recycling bins that I "found" during a storm, now they look like tiny plants in a big garden.

I really like using the Recycling bins because they are a good depth and have holes in the bottom for and drainage and they're portable. They work very well for Tomato plants, but this is the first year im using them for herbs. I learned this trick from an old lady that I used to watch garden in stiletto heels a few years back while living in Boston. I envied her for gardening in heels, she is a true Queen in my book. Since I use more basil than any other herb I grow I put it in a decorative pot that I picked up at Christmas Tree Shops for $1.99 a few years ago. Excellent investment.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May Showers

So my plants are growing ever so nicely, but unfortunately the weather is not cooperating (it has rained everyday this week) and I cannot plant them in the ground yet. I am off from work Thursday so my plan is to plant them, rain or shine. This is a picture of Lola with the plants. I swear one day I'm going to get home and find them all over the kitchen from her playing with them.

I am stoked that in less than a month Dan and I will be taking a road trip with his sister Crystal (Open Door #4) and her boyfriend Anthony to the Brooklyn Flea for Smorgasbord. While we are there Crystal and I are going to try to go to Four and Twenty Blackbirds, a pie shop. Since being a pie baker at a former job I LOVE going to pie shops and trying out new pies. Stay tuned for pictures and commentary!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sun and Sangria

Today is a beautiful day! Its about 70 degrees and sunny in Ct today. Perfect day to sit outside, read and book and drink Sangria. Since it was such a beautiful day, and the forecast has half a dozen more beautiful days ahead I decided to put the plants outside to get lots of sunlight and heat. Most of the the spinach plants and a few chive have started to sprout. Hopefully with the warm weather this week, all of them will start to grow.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Baby Plants

As I mentioned earlier this week I started my garden. Its still chilly out (we have a frost warning tonight) so im starting them indoors. I started Spinach, Basil, Oregano, and Chive. I do not start my own pepper or tomoato plants, I have a wonderful grandfather-in-law that starts those for me. :)
Since there wasnt any growth in 2 days I only have a picture of my cat (Chimi) eye-ing the plants.
I know im going to walk in from work one day and see them all over the floor. I cant wait for the weather to get nice and I can put them outside full time. Few more weeks...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Urban Gardener living in the Suburbs.

I started my garden today. Since we are in the new apartment I can actually put my plants in the ground this year. Last year, when we were living in Boston I only had a 3x3 fire escape for my garden. This meant I had to put everything in pots, but this also made them portable. I was lucky because the escape got strong sun 9+ hours a day. Here is a picture of last years garden.

It was my first try at being an Urban Gardener. I was pretty sucessful, but I learned a few things along the way. I had a problem with what I thought were bugs eating my raspberry plant. Eventually, I caught a huge rat chowing down on the tomatoes. I didnt eat anything else that grew in my garden but I was proud of my accomplishment anyway.
So, this year I live in a two family house with a backyard and a small deck off our dining room. I am still going to put some of my plants in pots so that they are portable but my sunflowers will do better in the ground.
Today I started the seeds. The weather is pretty warm but still not warm enough to keep them outside permanantly. I set up a table (or storage bin) in my office because its warm. Im still an Urban Gardener, even though I live in the suburbs. Yay spring!