Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May Showers

So my plants are growing ever so nicely, but unfortunately the weather is not cooperating (it has rained everyday this week) and I cannot plant them in the ground yet. I am off from work Thursday so my plan is to plant them, rain or shine. This is a picture of Lola with the plants. I swear one day I'm going to get home and find them all over the kitchen from her playing with them.

I am stoked that in less than a month Dan and I will be taking a road trip with his sister Crystal (Open Door #4) and her boyfriend Anthony to the Brooklyn Flea for Smorgasbord. While we are there Crystal and I are going to try to go to Four and Twenty Blackbirds, a pie shop. Since being a pie baker at a former job I LOVE going to pie shops and trying out new pies. Stay tuned for pictures and commentary!

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